Weight loss tips to help you get started.

There are many weight loss methods that can help you lose weight.  Some may give you short term results, others can last a lifetime. What you should be looking for is a system that is safe, one that you can live with, and that will work for you. To find the right system for you will take getting the right information.

We have gathered a collection of weight loss tips so you can make an informed decision as to which weight loss method is best for you. 

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Here is some information to get you started:

The body uses energy to digest all food.  This is called the “thermic effect”.   Some foods take more energy to digest (higher in thermic effect) than others therefore burn more fat during the eating process.  Dietary fat has the lowest thermic effect and lean protein has the highest. Carbohydrates fall somewhere between fats and protein. 

So you can see that all foods are not equal when it comes to burning calories while you are eating.  This is one factor to take into account when you choose what to eat.  The other is choosing foods that increase your metabolism which helps you burn more fat. 
Following is a list of 5 of the best fat burning foods:

1.  Oats (Oatmeal) - Oatmeal is a good source of fiber and breaks down slowly in your stomach so it doesn’t cause a big spike in your insulin.  Both of these factors help to raise your metabolism and burn fat.  Having oatmeal for breakfast can raise your metabolism by as much as 10% so you will burn fat at a higher rate.  

2.  Peppers – All peppers contain capsaicin which increases overall metabolic activity which helps the body to burn fat.  Peppers have many other health benefits.  Capsaicin is anti-inflammatory, can help relieve arthritis pain, and may prevent certain types of cancer.

3.  Green tea - Green tea contains EGCG which helps boost your metabolism.  It stimulates your brain and nervous system which results in you burning more calories.  It is rich in antioxidants and may help to reduce the risk of some forms of cancer

4.  Salmon - Salmon contains Omega-3 fatty acids which lower the level of a hormone called leptin.  A lower level of leptin is associated with increased calorie burning. It is high in protein, low in saturated fat, and low in calories.  It is a good source of Vitamins D and B12, selenium, and magnesium.  Some added benefits of salmon are that it promotes cardiovascular health, can help control high blood pressure, and can lower your risk of several types of cancer.  

5.  Beans – Beans are a good source of protein.  When combined with grains such as oats they make a complete protein.  Protein helps build muscle which in turn burns fat.  Beans are high in fiber, heart healthy, anti-inflammatory, and a good source of potassium and folic acid.

These are just some of the foods that are not only good for you but can help you burn fat.
If you are trying to lose weight, adding some of these fat burning foods can be a good starting point.