Burn Fat

How to Burn Fat – A Long Term Solution to Weight Loss and Good Health

Are you making a big mistake?  Are you going from one exercise fad to another or from one diet to another?  With so many options out there it is hard to know what to do when you are trying to lose weight.

It seems that many people who desire to lose weight are focused on the wrong thing.  They are only thinking about the short term.  They want to lose weight as quickly as possible and some will try just about anything.  They are not thinking about lifelong health and fitness which should be everyone’s goal.  If you are continually trying the latest diet or using the newest machine as a way to lose weight and keep it off you may be disappointed with the long term results.

People lose weight at different rates and you should not compare yourself to anyone else.  Your goal should be to lose fat and become healthier at the same time at your own rate.  Focus on the process rather than the results and the results that you desire will happen.  Losing fat and keeping it off will take a combination of time and using the correct program.

There are various ways to lose weight (fat) but many are not healthy.  The quickest and most efficient way to burn fat faster and to be healthier is to add lean muscle to your body with resistance training.  Muscle burns fat.  Another benefit of lifting weights is that it helps increase bone mass which is vital to your long term well-being.

You don’t need to spend hours in the gym every day to build lean muscle.  With the right exercise program you will only need 2 or 3 weekly workouts that last between 20 and 30 minutes.  You do not need to nor should you lift weights every day.  Your muscles need time to rest and recover between workouts.

You don’t need to starve yourself either.  You need to eat real, nutritious food and you need to get adequate, quality sleep. 

The program you choose should be easy to understand and follow and deliver long-lasting results.  Your exercise routine should become a way of life rather than just a means to lose a few pounds.

Remember your goal should be to lose fat and become healthier at the same time.  To get results that last you need to include brief, progressive resistance training, eat a diet full of nutrient rich foods, and get plenty of quality rest and sleep.

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